Military Range Finder WILD-HEERBRUGG (1153)
Index: 1153
Year: 1943-1950
Maker: Wild-Heerbugg, Switzerland
Dimensions: 33 x 7 x 2 cm
Military range finder made by Wild-Heerbrugg (Kleinbasis Koincidenz Telemeter). By looking through the front lens, one can coincide the 2 views on the object to measure the distance to by turning the rotating distance knob. When the parallax dissapears, the distance can be read.
The range is from 35 to 500 (assume meters).
Looks like the WILD TM10 (has range
No 498
T.E. 192/8 (assume this is military stuff)
References/Links/More Info
Wikipedia - Koinzidenzentfernungsmesser (German)
Virtual Archive of Wild Heerbrugg