Cathedral Galvanometer G.P.O. (0814)
Index: 0814
Year: Around 1920 ?
Maker: Silvertown Works ??
Dimensions: 14 x 18 x 10 cm
Galvanometer in wooden (mahogany) cathedral shaped enclosure. Most parts are made of brass.
The front glass is quite thick and beveled. The dial itself seems to be silvered.
The dial goes in both directions from 0 to 60. No units are specified.
On the backside, the top knob allows the enclosure to be opened. The bottom two brass knobs are for the measuring connection.
GPO seems to stand for General Post Office and was used to measure on telegraph lines.
Inscriptions on dial:
On bottom:
On the side of the baseplate the letter "T" and de symbol of a Lion are stamped in.
References/Links/More Info
Brundit Collection - Collection of Morse Telegraph ...