Hydrometer/Oelwaage nach Carl Fischer (0898)
Index: 0898
Year: ?
Maker: ?
Dimensions: D2.5 x 37cm
Hydrometer for oil like substances. Also known as "Fischer'sche Oelwaage" ("Oelwaage" = Oil Scale). The scale ranges from 22 to 52. As I understand, the indication on this scale must be looked up in a table to obtain the specific weight of the measured liquid (see link below) after adjusting for temperature.
The temperature scale goes, below 0, to 8. Above 0 to 14. Assume this is not an indication in known units, but only for temperature correction of the specific weigth reading.
Inscriptions on bacxk of scales:
Oelwaage nach Carl Fischer
Die Grade über 0 werden den oben ab
Die Grade unter 0 werden oben zugerechnet
Meaning that the reading from the temperature scale must be subtracted from the top reading when below 0, and added when above 0.
References/Links/More Info
Polytechnischen Journals - Gradeintheilung Ministers für Handel 1870 (German)
Wikipedia - Aräometer (German)