Vertical Collimator (0614)
Index: 0614
Year: < 1947 ?
Maker: C.L. Berger & Sons, Boston, Mass, USA
Dimensions: 30 x 33 x 25 cm (box dimensions)
Vertical Collimator C.L.Berger & Sons, Boston, Mass, USA in box. Assume Type 26.
From the Berger Catalog (see below): For centering a Theodolite or a Signal Lamp on a Triangulation Tower Exactly over a Station mark on the Ground.
In use by the Geodetic Engineers on City, State and National Surveys and in Engineering Schools and Colleges, also for Lining up Shafts of Elevators in very tall buildings, and in any other work where accurate vertical alignment is required, such as Vertical Sighting in Mine Shafts.
C.L. Berger & Sons
Boston Mass.
Berger Catalog 1947 on google books (see page 57)