Colorimeter Duboscq (0312)

Index: 0312

Year: 1875 - 1900 ?

Maker: ?

Dimensions: 40 x 15 x 13 cm


Colorimeter made in brass with cast iron stand.

This type of instrument was used to determine the concentration of liquids by comparing the density of the liquid. This was done by immersing the 2 octagonally faceted glass rods into the liquid. The color of both liquids could then be seen through the eyepiece next to eachother. When, by raising or lowering the glass rod, the colors were made equal, the density of the liquid under test could be determined by using the scales indicating the rod depth.

The mirror at the bottom to redirect the light could also be turned to reveal a white surface.

There are no markings seen on the instrument.

References/Links/More Info

Laboratoire d''histoire des sciences et des techniques - Colorimètre Duboscq

National Museum of American History

Le Compendium - Spectrocolorimetre (type d'Arsonval)

Humboldt State University - Duboscq Colorimeter

Wikipedia - Jules Duboscq



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