Riefler Mechanical Dotted Line Pen (0613)
Index: 0613
Year: Around 1903 ?
Maker: Riefler ?
Dimensions: 10 x 7 x 3 cm (box)
Dotted line pen with six different wheels stamped with the numbers 1 to 6. Other then most dotted line pens, this drawing instrument rides on 2 wheels and has a compass like handle. The instrument is made of so called "german-silver". This is the base version, not the improved version.
In german called a "Punktierinstrument".
Inscriptions on box:
Robert Drosten Bruxelles
Inscriptions on instrument:
References/Links/More Info
Uni-Muenchen - Scientific Instruments - Page 116
Archive.org - F. Weber Co. Catalogue 1923 - Page 213